Through simulation of lissajous wave patterns using spreadsheets on Microsoft Excel can make it easier for students and teachers to understand the lissajous curve on the oscilloscope screen. It can be concluded that the speadsheets program on Microsoft Excel 2013 can be used to create simulations and describe lissajous wave patterns on oscilloscope screens in physics learning. Comparison of frequency, amplitude and phase difference has the main role in forming lissajous wave patterns.

As well as other data with different frequency comparisons but using fixed amlitudes and phase differences of 90o. The data used uses fixed amplitude, frequency ratio 1:1 (a=1, b=1) with different phases at special angles ie 0o, 30o, 60o dan 90o. The results of the study are expected to produce a visualization of how and how to operate a lissajous wave using Microsoft Excel. Research location in the Yogyakarta State University Postgraduate Program building. The subject of this research is a spreadsheet program on Microsoft Excel software. The purpose of this research is to produce a visualization and how to operate lissajous waves using Microsoft Excel. VISUALIZATION OF LISSAJOUS WAVE CHARACTER IN OSCILLOSCOPE USING SPREADSHEET MICROSOFT EXCEL IN PHYSICS LEARNING AbstractThis study examines the visualization of the creation and operation of lissajous waves on the oscilloscope screen using a spreadsheet on Microsoft Excel 2013.

By conducting this training, it is hoped that it can improve knowledge on the use of Microsofot Word and Microsoft Excel for younger siblings at the Foundation. The Unindra community service team will carry out community service activities at the Domyadhu Foundation in the Ciputat branch by providing training on the use of Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel. Meanwhile, Microsoft Excel is a program designed to perform number processing. This program is a word processing program that includes creating, editing and formatting documents. Microsoft Word is a program that is very important in everyday life. In Microsoft Office there are many types of programs that can be used, for example Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel.

As the name implies, this program can help to do data processing work more easily. One of the important programs that a computer user must have and control is Microsoft Office. Along with the development of Information Technology, computers and their use in everyday life are used to process data into information.