
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod link
Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod link

Teens can also marry YA/adults/elders and vice versa. But all of these SP settings really pertain to inactives, not the actively controlled sims.The Sims 4 Teen Pregnancy and Marriage MOD. SP can also be used to raise the overall household limit to greater than 8 on the Household, Caste, or Town levels if wanted. Allow Can Be Pregnant and Allow Participation must be switched on for teens, both on the Teen caste and going in the other direction on the castes you want teens to be able to make babies with (presumably YAs, Adults, and maybe Elders). SP and its caste settings come in where the settings must be arranged correctly to allow a sim to be/remain pregnant. Woohooer is also required for any kind of teen woohoo, whether Risky or Try for Baby is involved or not, and before even looking at that, to allow for Teen-older Romance. NRaas > Woohooer > Try for Baby > Species:Human > Maximum Occupants for User Directed > (0 would mean no limit) If you want an actively being controlled sim to impregnate a sim where the mother to be is in an already full household, the mod you require is Woohooer. Her household has too many sims for her to become pregnant right now. I've tried looking through the settings (incl ), but I can't figure it out. I'd like her to get pregnant, then married, but SP won't let me. I know I can use nrass/MC/intermediat/add sim, but that is just too cheaty. It's also been way too long since there was a baby in the house.

sims 4 teen pregnancy mod link

I want a spouse to do the collecting even if they are still a teen. It is still 7 days till the oldest ages up then he has to wait for his girlfriend a couple of days behind him to get married. One picked up Pangu's Axe and another bought Tears of Horus. Their kids one the other hand, I am sending traveling and their spouses when they get them will do the collecting. I am also playing them as non-travelers, non-collectors to keep funds to a minimum. In my latest game, I started with a couple, bought an empty lot and emptied their bank account (familyFunds family name 0).

sims 4 teen pregnancy mod link sims 4 teen pregnancy mod link

But, I am starting to miss my pregnant teens. With Story Progression, townies now age at the same rate so that is not a problem. Before I had Story Progression, I used to try to get my teens to get teens to make a baby so they could get married because I used custom aging and if I waited till they were adults, the townie sims would age up and be way ahead of mine, sometimes near elder stage.

Sims 4 teen pregnancy mod link